
‘Shazam’ Trailer Sparkles

Shazam is going to be so much fun. Zachary Levi is so perfectly casted. Further proof that Eminem makes everything better

Been waiting a long time for the second trailer to DC’s new upcoming superhero flick. When are only a month away from the release of Shazam, the 15 year old kid turned into an all-mighty budget Superman. I mean that in the nicest way possible. In fact the highlight of the trailer was Billy trying to leap a tall building in a single bound, only to crash into it, and apologize to everyone. Found that to be hilarious.

They aren’t showing us a ton of action, because either there ain’t going to be a whole lot or they just don’t want to ruin anything for us. I’m okay with either outcome, because we have enough CGI slug-fests coming out this year. I’m looking forward to them telling us the story of how a 15 year old kid would react and behave if he gained extraordinary powers. It’s like the light-hearted Chronicle if you ask me. Toss in some Elf and Big vibes and I think Warner Brothers has a serious hit on their hands. The cast is so flawless, Zach Levi is about to blow people away, with his wittiness and his kid like charm.

After the massive box-office success of Aquaman and all the Batfleck drama I think this is exactly what the DCEU needs right now. Some good old fashioned family fun. Shazam appears to be powerful and will only gain more power, don’t forget that Dwayne Johnson will be his arch-nemesis in Black Adam. Don’t think we will get any appearance from him, but that will soon be on the horizon.

Everything so far looks great and they haven’t even shown us much. Another hit is coming down the pipeline for DC.

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