
‘Robin Hood’ Trailer

Boy oh boy. Kingsmen 3 looks pretty dope.

Seriously though, doesn’t it kind of feel like the Kingsmen have just been transported back in time and now Eggsy is trading in his guns and gadgets for a bow and arrow. All kidding aside this look pretty cool, simply because it looks to have that Kingsmen vibe to it.

We’ve gotten a ton of Robin Hood movies throughout my lifetime, but this looks and feels different than any previous incarnation we have seen before.

Brass tax, this just looks like a fun popcorn movie and I like everyone involved here. Jamie Foxx who is playing a sort of Yoda role and the baddest man on Earth Ben Mendelsohn playing another villain yet again. If he keeps this up I think people will just assume he is an asshole in real life. But we need it to keep happening because he plays such a fantastic bad guy. Also the guy directing Otto Bathurst is the man behind Peaky Blinders so that is a terrific sign. Overall I’m intrigued and kind of excited for Robin Hood, Taron Egerton is my dude. Also the guy from 50 Shades is in this movie so yeah……

Check ya later.


‘Kingsman: Golden Circle’ Review

This movie is suited and booted, and I think the majority of critics were wrong about this action packed sequel.

(Twentieth Century FOX)

Some minor spoilers, like the littlest of spoilers, mostly stuff from the trailers.

Okay, so I’m a little late to the Kingsman: The Golden Circle party, and after the reviews came out, and it’s sitting at 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, I was honestly surprised by this. I know going into any movie you shouldn’t look at reviews or take that into consideration what they say when deciding what movie you want to go see. Critics should never decide if you want to go see a movie or not, or have that impact how you feel about a certain movie. People often fall into this trap, and sometimes I even do it myself. Maybe that’s why I put off seeing this for about 2 weeks, and I’m happy I finally sat down to watch Kingsman, because I had a really great time doing so. After its 2015 predecessor, the sleeping hit that was Kingsman: The Secret Service, fans from all over the world fell in love with Eggys (Taron Egerton), Merlin (Mark Strong) and Harry Hart (Colin Firth). This was a commercial success, and it left people wanting more, so FOX decided it was in their best interest to green light a sequel, and here we are, 3 years later with The Golden Circle. This was number 7 on my most anticipated movies of 2017 list, so when the negative reviews came pouring in, I found myself kind of in shock. The first Kingsman was so well received and it was just something new and refreshing. They had managed to take all the coolness of James Bond and blend it perfectly with a Kick-Ass kind of vibe, and making into not only funny but so action packed, that it was kind of like nothing we had really seen before.

So the gang is all back, yes Harry doesn’t die after being shot in the face, and they actually do a great job telling us how he survived. That was not a spoiler, because they show him in the trailer! Why I put the spoiler warning in, they kill Roxy (Sophie Cookson) who was so good in the first one, she had great chemistry with Taron, and I was really bummed they did that. I feel like this is Kingsman so theres a chance we may see her again somehow, but I don’t know, I feel like she really got the short end of the stick here. Also that prick Charlie (Edward Holcroft) from the first one is back, and once again he does a bang up job of playing a real prick. One of the reasons I was so excited for the sequel is when they released the all new cast members, which included; Channing Tatum (Agent Tequila), Jeff Bridges (Champ), Julianna Moore (Poppy), Halle Berry (Ginger) and Pedro Pascal (Agent Whiskey). That’s a star studded cast if I say so myself, so this had all the makings to be a great sequel. So here’s the rundown Poppy is the new baddie and she’s out to destroy the world, so when she rids the world of Kingsman, Eggys and Merlin are left to fend for themselves, so they cross the pond to good old America, Kentucky to be exact, to their cousin agency The Statesman for some much needed assistance.

My biggest fear going into the movie, was having it feel bloated with sequel fatigue. You know, bigger and better. I don’t think that happened, I just don’t think it was a great overall story line. One thing this franchise does so well, is create great and unique characters. Characters you feel invested in, and that you ultimately care about. It was the same old, “save the world, kind of situation” but it just felt a little more watered down. One thing I will say, this movie felt a lot more cartoony and comic book like, than the original. I’m all for the larger than life villain, that was one of the best things about the first. Samuel L Jackson did such a good job in that role. But having Poppy have robot dog guards just felt like a little too much, and at the end of the day, she seemed way less intimidating than Jackson’s character did. I just kind of wanted a more physical villain for the heroes to fight, she has her henchmen, but I think this franchise could really get a boost if they have a stronger villain next time around. I don’t want this franchise to stop, it’s not doing really well at the box-office, but it certainly deserves a third installment.

Director Matthew Vaughn once again brings the action, and does so in spectacular fashion. The over the top violence returns, and at times it almost feels like we are watching a music video, in the sense that the violence is going along to the rhythm of the music and it works really well. Any movie that plays “Lets Go Crazy” by Prince is alright in my books. I honestly thought the last action sequence was the best one of the entire series, and some of the most fun I’ve had at the movies in 2017. It’s a ton of fun, and Vaughn did such a spectacular job at making this movie work. I don’t know why it’s getting such hate, I thought this was a great popcorn flick. The humour is back, and pair it with the great action sequences, I think its a real shame that people aren’t getting out to see this movie.

A major highlight that I did not see coming was Sir Elton John. He plays himself, and saying that he would be a stand out in an action movie, well I can’t really believe I’m writing it. He was great, and had some of the biggest laughs of the entire film. So kudos to Sir Elton. I really hope FOX doesn’t do away with this franchise, there is a ton of potential hear, especially if they take their time and get back to the drawing board. Channing Tatum isn’t in it a whole lot, but they make it seem like he could be a huge part of this universe. I want to see what he can bring to Kingsman, and I honestly think they owe it to him. I’m happy I walked out of the theatre smiling, and realizing that you should never take anyone else’s word on a movie, just go in with an open mind and see for yourself. This is a perfect example of this. Really hope we can get a Kingsman trilogy.

Check ya later.

Nate’s Movie Tour Review – Kingsman: The Golden Circle = 77/100


Let’s Talk About That Kingsman: The Golden Circle Trailer! 

Under water cars, bazooka suit cases, and dope suits, I’m in! 


Have you ever wanted to see Channing Tatum and Elton John in the same movie? Well the wait is finally over with Kingsman: The Golden Circle! So I waited around all day yesterday for this bad boy to drop online and it never did, not until I fell asleep that is. So this was a really nice treat to wake up to. One of my most anticipated movies of 2017, and the teaser trailer didn’t disappoint. Hey, any trailer that’s got “My Way” by Sinatra is good in my books! 

Okay, I will be blunt I was hoping for a little more from this trailer. I still have no idea if Tatum is going to be a bad guy or not, and really have no clue what this movie is going to be about. But what we did get to see was pretty awesome. I love how colourful this movie looks, from the suits to the cinematography, I just really like how everything looked in the trailer. It appears that The Kingsman will be heading across the pond to the U.S after their headquarters gets blown to bits, and that’s where we will meet our new cast members; Tatum, Jeff Bridges, Elton John, Halle Berry and Julianne Moore. So I’m excited to see what they all bring to the table, especially Tatum, because he’s never played a villain before so that will be awesome to see! One of the best things about the first Kingsman were all the cool gadgets and guns and from what we see in the trailer they aren’t holding back! Imagine trying to get through TSA with that suitcase, well you might need that if you’re flying United. 

All the old gang is back, including Harry (Colin Firth) now sporting an eye patch, curious to see how he survived his fate in the first one, but I’m excited that they brought his character back to be honest. The director Matthew Vaughn is back and I’m glad because he’s one of the best action/comedy director working right now, and I felt switching directors for the sequel would have been a bad move on FOX’s part. These movies have all sorts of fun, and the action is bonkers and they really push the limits but with a franchise like this, that is to be expected. 

Like I said, I wanted more from this trailer, but I can’t honestly can’t get to worked up over that because this movie isn’t due out till the fall. From what we did see, I’m glad I put it on my most anticipated list because this movie looks so promising and if it’s anything like it’s predecessor I will be truly happy about that. 

So let me know if you’re excited for Kingsman? And if you enjoyed this trailer! 

Check ya later.